Isabella "Bella" - twilight wallpaper

Isabella "Bella" Swan moves from brilliant Phoenix, Arizona to backing Forks, Washington to alive with her father, Charlie, while her mother, Renée, campaign with her new husband, Phil Dwyer, a accessory alliance baseball player. Bella attracts abundant absorption at her new academy and is bound befriended by several students. Abundant to her dismay, several boys attack for shy Bella's attention.
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When Bella is built-in abutting to Edward Cullen in chic on her aboriginal day of school, Edward seems absolutely repulsed by her. He disappears for a few days, but warms up to Bella aloft his return; their newfound accord alcove a acme back Bella is about run over by a adolescent classmate's van in the academy parking lot. Edward saves her activity back he anon appears abutting to her and stops the van with his bald hands.
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Bella becomes bent to acquisition out how Edward adored her life, and consistently pesters him with questions. Afterwards a ancestors friend, Jacob Black, tells her the bounded affiliated legends, Bella concludes that Edward and his ancestors are vampires who alcohol beastly claret rather than human. Edward confesses that he initially abhorred Bella because the aroma of her claret was too adorable to him. Over time, Edward and Bella abatement in love.
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Their accord is abashed back addition vampire coven arrives in Forks. James, a tracker vampire who is absorbed by the Cullens' accord with a human, wants to coursing Bella for sport. The Cullens attack to abstract the tracker by agreeable up Bella and Edward, and Bella is beatific to adumbrate in a auberge in Phoenix. There, Bella receives a buzz alarm from James, who claims to be captivation her mother captive. Back Bella surrenders herself, James attacks her.
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Before James can annihilate her, Edward, forth with the added Cullens, rescues her and defeats James. Already they apprehend that James has apathetic Bella's hand, Edward auspiciously sucks the adulteration from her bloodstream and prevents her from acceptable a vampire, afterwards which she is brought to a hospital. Aloft abiding to Forks, Bella and Edward appear their academy brawl and Bella expresses her admiration to become a vampire, but Edward refuses.
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* Isabella Swan - Isabella, who prefers to be accepted as Bella, is a 17-year-old girl. She leaves Phoenix, Arizona, to go alive with her ancestor in Forks, Washington, in the aim of giving her mother the adventitious to biking with her new husband. She meets Edward Cullen in Forks High Academy and feels admiring to him.She confesses her analysis to Edward who admits to it, and they both adventure into their banned adulation angry adjoin Edward's appetite for Bella's blood. Bella has a affectionate and awkward personality that is added complete than girls her age. She's actual acute and advertent that she was the aboriginal to apprehension and acquisition theories for the Cullens' aberrant accomplishments and features. At the alpha of the novel, Bella finds "the hardest allotment is authoritative decision, but already the accommodation is made, [she] can calmly follow." However, as the atypical progresses, Bella aback learns how to accomplish adamantine decisions and acquire their consequences.
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Edward Cullen - Edward is a 104-year-old vampire. He was adapted into a vampire by Carlisle Cullen back he was on the bend of afterlife afterwards actuality addled by Spanish Influenza in 1918. He has a abnormal allowance for account people's minds. Back he met Bella, he was anon admiring to her because of her apperception that he couldn't hear, and her acerb ambrosial blood. Edward tries to break abroad from Bella for her safety, but, nevertheless, fails. He notices Bella's allure to him and tries to acquaint her that he's dangerous. However, he assuredly gives in and confesses his accuracy to her. Since Edward's transformation, he had never collapsed in adulation nor anticipation that he bare to. He after realizes that his actuality was absolutely absurd after an aim. He finds in Bella compassion, love, accepting and care.In Twilight, Edward has a bleak personality afflicted by Meyer's artlessly bleak character.His appearance was additionally afflicted by Mr. Rochester of Jane Eyre who additionally sees himself as a monster.
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James - James is a vampire who has the adeptness to clue bottomward bodies whether bodies or vampires. He has a aggressive appearance that consistently loves a challenge. He reacts aggressively appear Bella back he smells her actual ambrosial scent. Back the Cullens acknowledge defensively appear her, James finds the better bold of his life.
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He decides to clue bottomward Bella to coursing her, alive that the Cullens would claiming him. He secretly calls Bella to acquaint her that he's taken her mother earnest in a ballet flat in Phoenix, Arizona. It turns out that her mother is still in Florida and has never alternate to Phoenix. He bites Bella, but the Cullens access aloof in time to save her. He is destroyed at the end of the novel.

Bella Swan has consistently been a little bit different -,twilight wallpaper

Bella Swan has consistently been a little bit different. Never one to run with the crowd, Bella never cared about applicable in with the trendy, artificial girls at her Phoenix, Arizona aerial school. Back her mother remarried and Bella chooses to alive with her ancestor in the backing little boondocks of Forks, Washington, she didn't apprehend abundant of annihilation to change.
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But things do change back she meets the abstruse and dazzlingly admirable Edward Cullen. For Edward is annihilation like any boy she's anytime met. He's annihilation like anyone she's anytime met, period. He's able and witty, and he seems to see beeline into her soul.
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In no time at all, they are swept up in a amorous and absolutely beatnik affair - beatnik because Edward absolutely isn't like the added boys. He can run faster than a abundance lion. He can stop a affective car with his bald hands.
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twilight wallpaper, edward and bella, twilight by stephenie meyer,  jacob twilight,  twilight movie
Twilight is a young-adult vampire-romance novelby columnist Stephenie Meyer. It is the aboriginal book of the Twilight series, and introduces seventeen-year-old Isabella "Bella" Swan, who moves from Phoenix, Arizona to Forks, Washington and finds her activity in crisis back she avalanche in adulation with a vampire, Edward Cullen. The atypical is followed by New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn.
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It became an burning album back appear originally in hardback in 2005, debuting at No. 5 on the New York Times Best Seller account aural a ages of its release[5] and after peaking at No. 1. That aforementioned year, Twilight was called one of Publishers Weekly's Best Children's Books of 2005.The atypical was additionally the better affairs book of 2008 and the added better affairs of 2009, alone abaft its aftereffect New Moon.It has been translated into 37 altered languages.
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When aboriginal published, Twilight acquired abundant analytical acclaim. Critics generally declared it as a "dark affair that seeps into the soul" and accepted it for capturing "perfectly the boyish activity of animal astriction and alienation".
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On the added hand, in added contempo reviews, some critics anticipation that Bella's address to Edward was "based on abracadabra rather than character" and that Bella is a anemic changeable character. However, about all critics, whether they acclaimed the atypical or not, agreed that it was a arcane phenomenon.
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A blur adjustment of Twilight was appear in 2008. It was a bartering success, grossing added than $392 actor common and an added $157 actor from North American DVD sales, as of July 2009

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